Can I fly with a drone near Noordwijk?

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user Aarnout

Can I fly with a drone in the surrounding of Noordwijk?

user Rens (Employee)

You can fly as a private person in the surrounding of Noordwijk with a drone, if you adhere to the rules.

The current drone rules (for the surroundings of Noordwijk) can be found on the website of the Dutch government:

However, the drone rules change regularly and are becoming increasingly stricter. We therefore recommend that you check regularly if current drone rules have changed.

Business use of a drone?

You may only fly professionally with a drone if you have a license. You can apply for this license at the Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport (Il&T).

There is talk of business use if you want to earn money with the drone. Think of video production companies that make air surveys. You may also need a drone for your business. This is the case, for example, for inspection companies looking to see hard-to-reach places. Even then there is business use.